Pressure ulcers can develop in as little as a week and have ghastly consequences for both providers and patients. Gel mattress overlays are essential in preventing the onset of pressure…
For patients suffering from, or at a high-risk of, pressure ulcers, a low air loss alternating pressure mattress can be an essential form of treatment. With a proper treatment plan…
A lot of clients ask about if we recommend buying a manual or electric beds. Both of these models share the same basic features/functions with almost an identical bed frame,…
If you are renting a hospital bed through our company through our hospital bed rental program, you are not responsible for any defects in the rented item. In case of…
Home hospital beds come in multiple sizes depending on the brand and model and the specifications of the bed. As a general guideline, and for the most common size, the…
A common question asked by our clients is regarding the coverage provided by Ontario Health Insurance Plan ("OHIP") for homecare hospital beds. Unfortunately there is no coverage provided by OHIP…